Here's a little humor to ease my mind today. [I'm a little stressed out.]
If you have not seen that movie, I might have to take you out on a date. Bring another pair of pants though. You might pee yourself laughing.
This is probably the coolest thing on Earth to me right now. I can't wait to have my own home cause I'm putting this on my wall. Even making it myself.
How people think I am about my hair:
How I really am about my hair:
This is kinda me in the morning, just less happy:
Yes pizza. Please take me away.
No, better yet. Sell me some CHOCOLAAAAAAAAATTE.
As you can seeeee, I'm hungry.
If I don't eat soon, I'l be all...
So yeah, summary of my thoughts right now.
Oh and Happy Belated New Year. [2014]