Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Reenacting Your Childhood

I hate these so much. They turned out so bad.
I had no one to photograph them except my sister.
I'm being honest about my work,
but I did try hard.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Just wanted to post the pictures before I put myself in them!
I've fixed them up a bit to get some items out of the way and a few lines that I guess appeared through the scanner, but it's all bueno now!
Here's my cute little self.
I was a queen for Halloween once.
I didn't want to be just a princess, no I wanted to rule over all.

But I didn't eat like royalty, that there is a whole turkey leg.
Dad says I ate the whole thing.

Cos I'm faboulouuuuussss.

I think this might become my favorite photograph to redo because me and my cousin are only a four-day birthday difference and we've been so close since birth. To reenact this moment will be the cutest thing ever.

Planking before it was cool.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Random Pictures [The Sequel.]

Here's a little humor to ease my mind today. [I'm a little stressed out.]

If you have not seen that movie, I might have to take you out on a date. Bring another pair of pants though. You might pee yourself laughing.

 This is probably the coolest thing on Earth to me right now. I can't wait to have my own home cause I'm putting this on my wall. Even making it myself.

How people think I am about my hair:

How I really am about my hair: 

This is kinda me in the morning, just less happy:

Yes pizza. Please take me away. 

No, better yet. Sell me some CHOCOLAAAAAAAAATTE.

As you can seeeee, I'm hungry.

If I don't eat soon, I'l be all...

So yeah, summary of my thoughts right now.

Oh and Happy Belated New Year. [2014]