Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Just wanted to post the pictures before I put myself in them!
I've fixed them up a bit to get some items out of the way and a few lines that I guess appeared through the scanner, but it's all bueno now!
Here's my cute little self.
I was a queen for Halloween once.
I didn't want to be just a princess, no I wanted to rule over all.

But I didn't eat like royalty, that there is a whole turkey leg.
Dad says I ate the whole thing.

Cos I'm faboulouuuuussss.

I think this might become my favorite photograph to redo because me and my cousin are only a four-day birthday difference and we've been so close since birth. To reenact this moment will be the cutest thing ever.

Planking before it was cool.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw! You were so cute! >.<